
Smokers, how annoying! 14 things you’ve wanted to tell them but never dared

8/ You contribute to the spread of cancer

You hurt things around you, not only your friends, but also your pets, your children and the environment. Your habit of buying cigarettes everyday increases the supply and demand for tobacco. Unconsciously, by buying a packet of fags implies you want to see more and more cigarettes on the market meaning more and more people suffering from cancer. Think twice as with smoking comes the risk of cancer!

9/ You have rotten teeth

Seasoned smokers know it, smoking kills your teeth. A yellowish smile all day long is not a good look…

10/ Snogging….

With the smelly breath smokers can give off, it’s difficult to want anything romantic!

11/ You smell bad

There is nothing worse than the smell of cold tobacco.

12/ We don’t want to get into your car

Who wants to be inside a confined space filled with the smell of cold tobacco?

13/ You are really not classy

If you think that your rough voice and scraggy appearance is attractive then think again! Smoking cigarettes is no longer the cool thing to do these days. Just as well!

14/ You look much older

Without realizing it cigarettes can dry out your skin which makes you age more quickly.

Credits : Pexels
Smokers: here’s hoping these reasons are enough to persuade you to quit!

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