
Daily well-being: 10 simple ways to effectively meditate


Daily well being depends on the individual.  Some people like to let off steam here, there and everywhere, while others like the intimacy of their own living room where they can stretch out on a yoga mat.  For some oriental cultures, meditation is meant to be the key to your daily well-being.  However if you have been brought up with this way of thinking from a young age it is easy to say that.  However luckily there are some simple tips for beginners that you can follow when starting out with your meditation practices.

Meditation is in fashion at the moment.  Although it has been part of some oriental cultures philosophy of life for centuries, it is starting to become ever popular in western countries.  However meditation is not as easy as you might think.  When you begin you can be faced with a strange opening in your mind that becomes filled with thoughts that you can’t get rid of.  Here are some tips to help you let go and become completely relaxed.  You’ll see that meditation is easy after you follow some of these helpful recommendations.

1/ Meditate in a calm and comfortable environment

You won’t effectively meditate if you are not in a calm environment.  Don’t try and meditate if you have crying children around you or too lively music.  Settle yourself down in a calm and nicely perfumed and ventilated room.  You should feel confident and comfortable.  Your choice of furniture is therefore very important.  Some people prefer to meditate lying down while others prefer to be in a seated position on a raised cushion.  You should choose which position is the most comfortable for you.  There shouldn’t be any rules when it comes to your daily well-being.

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2/ Choose the most appropriate moment in the day

Some people prefer to meditate in the morning before going to work, other people prefer to meditate at night before they go to bed.  For the more diligent, they prefer both morning and evening!  Listen to your body and figure out the most beneficial moment in the day for you.

3/ Set a time limit

Set a time limit for your meditation.  Beginners will be happy with a maximum of 5 to 10 minutes of meditation per day while those who are more accustomed to the practice could meditate for a good half hour. 

4/ Choose a preferred posture and breathe

Choose the posture which allows your to meditate without inopportune moving.  Your position should be comfortable and relaxing.  Once you have found the perfect position try and settle yourself so that you can’t lose your concentration.  Fix on a point or close your eyes and don’t forget to breathe. This is crucial if your want to effectively meditate.

5/ Don’t try and chase away thoughts that come to mind

At the start of your practice, all sorts of thoughts are going to inevitably come to the forefront of your mind.  Don’t worry this is normal.  Accept this flow of thoughts without trying to control it.  By the end you will have managed to release yourself of these thoughts, you’ll see!

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