
Exceptional children: 11 unique kids with unusual characteristics

Credit: YouTube Screenshot from "LES 10 ENFANTS LES PLUS ÉTRANGES DU MONDE", Lama Faché

Everyone in the world is unique, however some people have more unusual characteristics than others. Here are 11 of the most unique children in the world!

As a child, your parents will constantly tell you that you are unique and wonderful.  This is a general tactic to help boost our self confidence when we are younger. Although every child is unique, some children can boast about having even more unique characteristics!  Here are 11 children who have exceptional physical features or extraordinary mental capacities.

1/ Johncris Carl Quirante, The child with 300 teeth

This young nine year old Filipino child has a very rare condition as he has lots more teeth than an average person.  However he doesn’t just have a couple extra back teeth!  Johncris was born with more than 200 teeth (300 to be exact!). Luckily for the young boy, his mother managed to raise enough money to carry out an operation to remove the excess teeth.  For the boy’s mouth to get back to normal, the poor boy had to undergo no less than seven surgical operations…

300 dents enfant
YouTube Screenshot: “LES 10 ENFANTS LES PLUS ÉTRANGES DU MONDE”, Lama Faché

2/ Muin Bachonaev, the child with 5 cm long eyelashes

Muin is an eleven year old boy with very unusual eyelashes.  His long lashes measure up 5 cm long with some even touching his cheeks.  Many girls will sure to be envious of his natural doe-eyed look.  However nothing interests Muin more than playing football which is probably just as well!

cils les plus longs du monde
YouTube Screenshot: “LES 10 ENFANTS LES PLUS ÉTRANGES DU MONDE”, Lama Faché

3/ Ava Clarke, White child born to black parents

Ava Clarke is born to black African parents but has very few characteristics of her parents accept her mother’s curly hair.  Her blonde hair, porcelain white skin and pearly eyes gives her a very unusual look. In fact, due to her exceptional beauty, this little girl is one of the most popular child models.  However Ava’s unusual features is due to a rare genetic illness.  She has albinism which means she lacks melanin.  However this deficiency has almost cost her her eyesight.

enfants exceptionnels
YouTube Screenshot: “LES 10 ENFANTS LES PLUS ÉTRANGES DU MONDE”, Lama Faché

4/ Elise Tan Roberte with an IQ of 156

Elise is the most intelligent little girl in the world.  Her IQ of 156 is just below Einstein’s by a few points (160).  Elise spoke her first words at the age of five months, started walking at eight and ran at ten months.  At the age of 16 months she could read her name and count up to ten.  At the age of 2 she could count up to ten in Spanish and knew all the names of the capital cities in the world.  Will she become the next genius?

enfants exceptionnels
YouTube Screenshot: “LES 10 ENFANTS LES PLUS ÉTRANGES DU MONDE”, Lama Faché

5/ Charlotte Garside, who is no bigger than a rabbit

When Charlotte Garside was born she weighed only 500 g and measured 25 centimetres… Doctors told her parents she had a very rare illness called primordial dwarfism. According to doctors Charlotte would only live to the age of one or two years old in the best case scenario.  However doctors were mistaken as the young girl has just celebrated her sixth birthday.  However Charlotte, who is no bigger that a rabbit, is very fragile and daily activities can be more challenging.

enfants étranges maladie
YouTube Screenshot: “LES 10 ENFANTS LES PLUS ÉTRANGES DU MONDE”, Lama Faché

6/ Millianna Worthy with bi-coloured hair

Millianna is a little girl like every other little girl.  The only difference that distinguishes her from average children is her bi-coloured hair: a tuft of white hair among her dark black locks.  The particular genetic characteristic goes back two generations before her.  In scientific terms this characteristic is called an achromotrichia or an absence of pigmentation in the hair. This anomaly is often accompanied by vitiligo, as is the case with Milliana.  However the little girl pulls off her two coloured skin just as much as her hair.