
15 common things you shouldn’t do every day

6/ Sleeping with your hair down when you have long hair

Get into the habit of tying long hair up when you go to bed: otherwise, it can get tangled during the night, increasing the risk of hair falling out when you brush it the next day. Plait it up!

Screenshot: YouTube/Lama Fauché

7/ Eating red meat every day

Eating a portion of red meat every day can increase your bad cholesterol and lead to cardiac problems. Not to mention the environmental effects.


8/ Scrubbing with a towel when you get out of the shower

Stop scrubbing like a madman to dry yourself with a towel when you get out of the shower! Whether it’s your skin or your hair, it is important to go gently, so as to avoid damage.

Credits: Pexels

9/ Eating in front of the television

In order to properly savour your food (and to look after your health), TV dinners should be the exception rather than the norm. Eating in front of a screen (the television, but also a computer or telephone) can split your attention. You end up eating more and not paying attention to your body’s fullness signals.

Credits: Pixabay

10/ Going to sleep fully dressed

Try not to fall asleep in your day time clothes inside in your clean bed -you could well bring a colony of unwanted bacteria with you into your cosy nest!

Credits: Pexels