
13 Good reasons to go to sleep before midnight

5/ You will concentrate more during the day

A recent study found a parallel between sleep and concentration: lying down after 11.30 would have an impact on concentration the following day, even if the recommended eight hours of sleep were respected. To be productive, you have to go to bed early!

6/ You will be in better health

The more our body is tired, the more sensitive it is to bacteria. Going to bed late would keep you healthy, and resist viruses.

7/ Your skin is more beautiful and less dull

Sleep regenerates the damage caused to the skin cells. But not just any sleep, because even if you sleep for long periods of time, going to bed late will disrupt this natural remedy. People who go to bed late can see that their skin is duller, sometimes pulling lightly on the yellow.

8/ You prevent the risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

Failure to respect the sleep cycles your body needs may disrupt the functioning of your body. People who go to bed too late are be more likely to have diabetes than those who go to bed early.