
11 things that children can do but adults unfortunately can’t

Credits : Pexels

6/ Not have to worry about bills

Rent, water, electricity… when you are a child you don’t have to worry about paying the bills! Sometimes you would just love to go back to the blissful time when you had no responsibilities.

retour en enfance
Crédits : Pexels

7/ Don’t think to watch what you say

Children have no filter.  They say whatever comes into their head.  Even if sometimes it is not something you want to hear!

8/ Not worried about wearing clothes

Children aren’t modest.  They are free as a bird!

9/ Sleep wherever you want when you want

The Japanese know the importance of sleep. In fact it is common to see people sleeping in front of their computers at work. This could even be taken by employers as a good sign as it shows that their employees are hard-working and have given all their energy to the task in hand…

10/ Throw a tantrum in public

We’d all love to throw a tantrum.  Especially if you have to go to a meeting which you think is just useless!

11/ Aren’t self conscious

Children are all angels, aren’t they? No quite all children…  they just love getting away with messing around.

retour en enfance
Credits : Pexels
Returning to children could do us some good!

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