
Food industry: 12 unbelievable secrets hidden for too long

7/ The colour of fizzy drinks disappears when poured through  a filter

Pour a coloured fizzy drink into a filter jug to find out what happens…  You’ll see that none of the original colouring remains.  Are you sure you want to drink that orange soda?

industrie alimentaire
Video screenshot : 5-Minute Crafts/YouTube/Montage :

8/ Some beers contain fish bladder

The yeast used to make beer contains isinglass, an additive which comes from the dried swim bladders of fish. Beer campaigns should be more transparent but we are not fooled!

industrie alimentaire
Credits : Pxhere/Wikipedia/Montage :

8/ Coke can descale a toilet in an instant

You really wonder what’s inside Coke to make it so effective at cleaning toilets… in fact phosphoric acid does all the work.   When it comes to cleaning, Coke is something you can never do without!

industrie alimentaire
Capture vidéo : YouTube/5-Minute Crafts

9/ Industrial cottage cheese changes iodine to purple

You can find bottles of iodine in the pharmacy to carry out this test.  With only a few drops, industrial cottage cheese will turn iodine from its original golden colour to a suspicious purple.  Whereas natural cottage cheeses do not change colour.

industrie alimentaire
Video screenshot : 5-Minute Crafts/YouTube

10/ Instant noodles a real rip-off in terms of size

Instant noodles packages really ripe you off when it comes to what’s inside.  Look at all that extra space!  You could have twice the amount in one package!

industrie alimentaire
Video screenshot : 5-Minute Crafts/YouTube/Montage :

11/ Industrially produced mayonnaise changes iodine purple

For fun mix a bit of iodine with industrial produced mayonnaise and do the same with natural mayonnaise and see the results.  Like cottage cheese the processed mayonnaise will turn a violent purple while the natural stays a golden colour.  What can we conclude.. nothing good that’s for sure!?

industrie alimentaire
Capture vidéo : 5-Minute Crafts/YouTube

12/ Crisp flavours are often sprayed on

After being cooked, industrial crisps are often given a chemical shower to cool down.  They are sprayed with artificial flavourings with powdered sprays.   But that’s not the worst thing…  This spraying process creates a dangerous chemical compound called acrylamide known to cause health problems. Stop splashing out on crisps and let’s make our own tasty snacks! !

industrie alimentaire
Screen: Pixabay/Montage :
Retrouvez en vidéo, ces secrets hallucinants que l’industrie alimentaire vous cache :

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