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Life lessons: 16 moments when animals are better than humans

Gender equality between emperor penguins, lazy pandas or camouflaging insets…. If we’d like to be equally as good as these animals, we have our work cut out. Here are 16 life lessons where we could learn a thing or two from animals.   

Animals really are incredible.  They can often achieve results humans can only dream about.  Snakes can move their bodies only a contortionist could maybe compete with. Here are 16 amazing things that animals can do better than humans.  Look carefully, we could perhaps learn a few tricks.  It is never too late to change.

1/ Emperor penguins and parental equality

All winter for 64 consecutive days, the male penguin protects and shelters the egg while the female looks for food.  The males live off reserves until the female returns a few days after the egg has hatched to care and feed her baby by regurgitating food from her stomach. Only at this point can the male start to look for food.  Sharing the duties of child care. These animals are true modern parents!

leçons de vie
Credits : Pexels

2/ Mayflies make the most of everyday

Mayflies, little insects which resemble a dragonfly, only live for one day.  However, during their fleeting existence, they manage to fit in the big moments of a normal human life: birth, parenthood and death.  Make the most of the time we have as there is always something new to learn everyday!

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Capture video : NatGeo Wild France/YouTube

3/ Loyalty lies of the heart of a relationship: at least for lovebirds, swans, wolves and emperor penguins it does!

Emperor penguins mate for life.  Even if they are separated by long distances for long periods of time, (in fact they are only together for 3 months at a time), they always find each other again.  The same goes for lovebirds (as the name would suggest), swans, wolves and even turtledoves.  However this is not a full list.  Maybe we should think about following their example…

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Credits : Wikipedia

4/ Sperm whales love to chit-chat

Sperm whales are renowned chatterboxes.  In their own way, they chat together without ever seeming bored! If they’re gossiping, at least nobody will be able to understand what they say!

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Credits : Wikipedia

5/ Long distance relationships are not a problem for emperor penguins

For most of us, it is difficult to keep a relationship going if your partner lives on the other side of the world.  For emperor penguins, they can put up with being apart for long periods very patiently.  As mentioned before, couples spend only three months of the year together but can spot one another in a crowd of a thousand!

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Credits : Pxhere

6/  Horses learn to stand on their own feet from birth

Horses learn early on to manage for themselves.  They same can’t be said for our children who tend to be mothered until the age of 18!

7/ Giant pandas know how to binge eat

Nothing comes close to the giant panda when it comes to snacking.  Their diet consists of 99% bamboo which they consume a whopping 20 kg of each day! If you can eat that much in a day these lazy lumps must be pretty bored.  Little consolation for an endangered species (today, there are supposedly only 1864 giant pandas in the world).

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Credits : Pxhere

8/ Insects like to play hide and seek

Some animals have an amazing ability to camouflage themselves. Especially insects. Watch the video to see for yourselves!