
Baby names: The top 20 naughtiest kids’ names!

Credits : Pexels

When waiting for your baby to be born you can often spend hours trying to think of the best name to call your future child.  Some parents have so many ideas that it is hard to choose while others lack inspiration.  However choosing your child’s name is an important business as it will stay with them for life and if you choose wisely they won’t suffer the brunt of any playground jokes.  However there are always some little ragamuffins that love to muck around in class and play practical jokes.  So what are the naughtiest kids’ names to watch out for?

The choice of name is an important moment for the life of your child.  Often a name can be  associated with the parents’ personality or social situation with some choosing traditional names while others are more adventurous.   However in general parents hum and haw over a name before finally choosing to “label” their little munchkin for the rest of their life.  But as many teachers will know there are just some names, no matter how pretty it is, that you will never call your child as you are permanently reminded of that naughty kid in class. Want to know what to watch out for?  Here are the naughtiest children’s names from 2017 that didn’t make it onto Santa’s list.

1/ Faye

Apparently the name Faye comes from the Middle English word for fairy… This is quite apt as in ancient stories it was often the fairies causing mischief!

2/ Noah

A Hebrew name meaning “rest” and “repose” which has become popular among A-listers in recent years.  Perhaps after running around playing practical jokes these little munchkins need to take a nap!

3/ Lilly

4/ Riley

5/ Milly

6/ Robert

Robert is a Germanic name which supposedly means “glory” and “fame”.  Perhaps these little kids were always destined to be overly confident!

7/ Annabel

This name has ancient Gaelic roots for “joy”. No matter how annoyed you can get at your child’s naughty antics they are sure to make you laugh.

8/ Freddie

9/ Madeline

10/ Leo

choix de prénoms
Credits : Pexels