
20 astonishing facts that you didn’t know about the brain

3D illustration brain nervous system active, medical concept.

6/ Blackout

After drunken nights out, contrary to what we might think, alcohol does not make you forget the night before. The famous “blackouts” are in fact a brain phenomenon, in which it momentarily loses its ability to generate memories.


7/ It is possible to remove half of a person’s brain by surgery without any apparent impact on their memory or personality


8/ It is at birth that we have the most cerebral cells


9/ Cerebral activity

An experiment was completed in 2015 by a powerful computer. It took the computer 40 minutes to simulate one second of human brain activity.


10/ Hate: it’s nothing but deep love

There is no difference between the emotions of love and hate from a neurological point of view, because the same brain areas are activated.
