
12 reasons why your smartphone battery drains too quickly, and what to do about it

8/ You never use airplane mode

Airplane mode isn’t just for when you’re travelling! You can use it in numerous situations in which you don’t need phone coverage. At the cinema, in a restaurant, while you’re at the gym, while out in the middle of nowhere, or even if your battery is simply running very low. Airplane mode will considerably extend your battery life.

Screenshot: 01netTV/YouTube

9/ Your apps are open without you realising it

Certain smartphones allow you to have several apps open at the same time. This is what is called multitask mode, a mode that consumes huge amounts of energy. If certain people swear by it, it can become a pain when we forget to close apps we are no longer using.

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10/ You have unwittingly activated automatic updates

Some smartphones automatically download app updates as soon as new ones are available. This function may seem like a good idea, but it means your smartphone is constantly checking for new updates, and it can often be downloading without you even realising it. The result: your battery is constantly being used. Deactivate automatic updates.

Screenshot: 01netTV/YouTube

11/ You have Bluetooth on even when you don’t need it

Like with WiFi, having Bluetooth activated when you are not using it is an extra drain on your battery.

Screenshot: 01netTV/YouTube

12/ You don’t know how to optimise your battery

When your battery falls below 30%, do you keep using your phone normally, or do you use the previous tips? It is important to know how to optimise your battery, according to how much charge is left in it.

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13/ Invest in a cover that prolongs battery life, or purchase a portable charger

There are special phone covers that help you prolong battery life by a few hours. You can also look for a portable or solar charger. Handy for when you are nowhere near a socket!
