
Embarrassing Moments: You won’t feel stupid after seeing these 14 TV gaffs

6/ Caught red handed

This policeman thought he was arresting a normal bloke until he realised he was on air.  Trying to look inconspicuous the policeman stands stock still for a second before disappearing double quick into the field! Hilarious to watch. (Check out the video at the bottom of the article).

moments embarrassants
Video screenshot : Lama Faucha/YouTube

7/ I am invisible…

If this sound man though he would go unnoticed he failed!

moments embarrassants
Video screenshot : Lama Faucha/YouTube

8/ Tight dress

This is what happens when you wear clothes that don’t fit properly!  A TV blunder that will stay with this young singer for years to come!

moments embarrassants
Video screenshot : Lama Faucha/YouTube/Montage :

9/ Awkward moment at Eurovision

The moment when you are so into the song you lose your knickers!

moments embarrassants
Video screenshot: Lama Faucha/YouTube/Montage :