
18 Funny pictures of dad in charge of the kids

Silly pictures taken by dads when they are in charge of the little ones

What is it to be a parent if it is not to ensure that your child is fed, watered, sheltered, enjoys a calm home and never ending love? So if these criteria are met, a little humor and fun is needed, as well as merited! Here are 18 funny photos, taken by prankster dads who found themselves alone with their children.

1/ Bearded baby

Bath bubbles styled into a stylish hair do

2/ One minute hair

Using a hoover to get a perfect ponytail

3/ Giant Kiwi

How we can lots of fun with newborns!

4/ Improvised swing

Doesn’t cost a fortune but is back breaking

5/ If you run out of hair ties

This DIY dad found cable ties were the perfect option when he couldn’t find the standard elastic!

6/ Pancake face

Parents normally tell us to not play with our food, yet they are allowed to!