
15 things women generally do better than men

12/ Looking around us

Men are typically more tunnel-visioned than women, thanks to their ‘hunter’ evolutionary instincts. Men therefore tend to notice what is directly in front of them. Women, by contrast, have a more highly developed ‘global’ or ‘peripheral’ vision, that allows them to notice the smallest details in the surrounding environment. This is thanks to hard-wired maternal instincts, which help a woman to protect her children by detecting potential dangers.

Credits : Pixabay

13/ Hearing certain frequencies

A woman’s hearing is programmed to best tune into a baby’s cries, while a man is less attuned to the same frequencies. By contrast, men can more easily locate where a sound is coming from.

Credits : Pixabay

14/ Undressing

Men and women, we don’t undress in the same way! Men have more of a tendency to extend their arms behind them, while women cross their arms in front -a faster method of removing a top!


15/ Overcoming problems

Women find it easier to externalise their emotions than men do, which facilitates talking about a problem in order to find a solution.

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