
15 ads, posters and product designs that leave a lot to be desired!

When we go to hit the shops, there is something for everyone. Of taste there can be no disputing, and there are products to suit everyone. But there are times when we find ourselves asking who in their right minds would buy such a thing….. Maybe it is just that the people who designed these things have more innocent minds than we do, or maybe they are just grossly unobservant, because some of these little ‘details’ couldn’t be more obvious! Here are 16 complete design fails on clothing, products or posters….

1/ A pregnancy test when you’re already pregnant

Just to be sure to be sure to be sure…

Screenshot: Pinterest

2/ A printed dress that could cause confusion

The pattern is only red roses, but seen from a distance…. FAIL!!!!

Screenshot: Pinterest

3/ A bus encouraging you to quit school!

In fact it’s an anti-smoking campaign on the left, that doesn’t marry too well with the permanent sign on the right showing that it’s a school bus…. Oops!

Screenshot: Pinterest

4/ Dental advertisement

“Give me all your teeth or you die”!

Screenshot: Pinterest

5/ Unfortunately placed door handles

This one escaped the quality control team! The two door handles on this ambulance certainly have stories to tell…

Screenshot: Pinterest