
10 Hidden locations on Google Earth

4/ Moruroa, French Polynesia

Used by the French for experimental nuclear testing, this area is now contaminated by radioactive substances. The level of cancer sufferers in the area is very high and it is impossible to see the area on Google Earth.

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5/ The White House, Washington, USA

The authorities asked that the aerial view of the White House be of an old image from the archives to prevent enemies being able to see closely their security installations.

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6/ Severnaïa Zemlia, Russia

This area of the Arctic Ocean does not appear on Google. However, this land has remained uninhabited for years, except for the presence of an Arctic base, perhaps at the origin of the camouflage.

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7/ Medina, Saudi Arabia

The holy city of Medina is the location of the mosque where Muhammad rests in his tomb. On Google, the satellite view is hampered by a superimposition of drawings that mask the sacred place of Muslims.

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