
Veggie life: 10 comments you can no longer put up with

Credit: TheWonderlist Edit

6/ “It’s easy to be veggie if you don’t like meat”

Who said that they didn’t like meat?

quotidien de végétarien

7/ ” Will you not just try a bit of the Christmas dinner? It is a special occasion after all.”

Do you know how many turkeys have been fattened up just so you can gorge yourself on it over the festive period? Pass the nut loaf please!

8/ “If you are on a desert island and you are dying of hunger will you still stand by your opinions?”

Well I haven’t planned to get stuck on a desert island any time soon. However you only need to go to some countries in Europe to struggle to find meat-free dishes.

quotidien de végétarien

9/ “If you think about it maybe fruit and vegetables also feel pain…”

Well we’ll all die of hunger.

10/ “It is not very polite to refuse a meat dish that is made with love”

It is also not very polite to offer  a meat dish knowing full well that you are a vegetarian and you don’t eat meat!

quotidien de végétarien

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