
Shellfish: 9 things to do before killing a crab or a lobster to avoid causing unnecessary suffering


1/ Put the lobster in the fridge with ice to desensitize it

To “anesthetise” the lobster so that it feels the pain less, keep it in the fridge for a few hours with some ice cubes.

2/ Tie its pincers

Once the lobster is desensitized, place it on its back on a non-slip surface. Tie its pincers together so you can see more clearly.

3/ Cut into the head to destroy the first nerve centre

Hold the lobster firmly. Use a sharp and fairly long and deep kitchen knife, and a mallet to force the knife quickly into the crustacean. Keeping your knife directed towards the median line, slice the head underneath the mouth. This allows you to pierce and destroy the first nerve centre (the supraesophageal ganglion).

4/ Cut it into two equal parts to destroy the second nerve centre

Once the poor animal has been essentially decapitated, separate its body into two equal parts with the help of your knife, cutting along the median line (see the diagram below). This will destroy the remaining nerve centres. Make your first incision at the junction between the abdomen and the thorax.

5/ Quickly remove the central nervous system

Quickly remove the chain of nerve centres from the lobster’s chest and head. The entire operation should not take any longer than 10 seconds.


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