
Primary teachers: 10 things you can’t help doing even after the bell rings


6/ You can’t help telling all your friends about your stories from school of teachers, parents and children

Your friends and family end up knowing a lot about what goes on at school whether it’s teachers, parents or kids. It could be the fact that Jordan’s mother gave him the rest of half a burger for his lunch or the fact that Alison spewed all over her neighbour in your class, you’ll tell it all! Is there no such thing as teacher confidentiality…

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Credits : Pexels

7/ You articulate your words more than you need

Remember not to treat your friends and family as if they are class of five year old kids.  However it can be difficult to change your speaking voice after speaking to bunch of tiny munchkins all day who can’t yet do the 3 times table! You’ll just have to apologise for resorting to your teacher voice…

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Credits: Pixabay

8/ A corner of your living room is filled with children’s drawings

But not your own…

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9/ You give your friends and family bossy instructions without realising

Weekend trips with your friends can become a bit like you trying to herd a class of school children that don’t need herding… You quite often like to take control of the situation and are pro museum visits and educational excursions.  You won’t realise it of course…

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9/ You tend to ask new people you meet lots of questions a bit like an interrogation..

If you are in a pub and meet someone you don’t know you won’t shy away from finding out more about them.  By the end of the night you’ll know their age, name, parents’ jobs… If you find out their favourite colour perhaps you’ve gone too far!

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10/ You struggle to dress in fashionably

A primary teacher always knows it is best to be practically dressed with all the painting, clay modelling and arty activities they do in class. You can’t wear expensive clothing to school especially not that beautiful coat you got last Christmas.   At school there is no place for fashion!

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