
9 crazy and little-known rules that govern the lives of Mormons

All cults and religions have rules which are not very well known or understandable to the outsider. Some of the rules that control members of the Mormon church will make you laugh and think they are crazy. These rules however are real and govern their daily lives.

9. Forbidden to drink hot drinks

The writings forbids all drinks, alcohols or tobaccos that are hotter than room temperature. It is not a rule only for tea and coffee, even though caffeine is addictive, it is allowed if drunk cold, like an ice tea or frappuccino. Anything that is hot or re-heated is forbidden.


8. Missionairies and basketball

Missionary Mormons can play basketball only if they play on half of the court. They can not play in a league or tournaments or on a whole court. Even when playing on half a court they are not allowed to keep score.


7. Missionaries and swimming

Sport is forbidden especially swimming. According to their book, they are not allowed to go swimming. They are concerned about injury’s that can occur whilst practicing sport which can effect their mission.


6. Missionaries and home

They are only allowed to call home twice a year. They are not allowed to go and visit their families and the only 2 dates they can call home is Christmas Day and mothers day. They work everyday, (except for a Sunday) from 9.30 to 21.30. Anything that is not work is considered a distraction, even parents. When they are allowed to make their call to home it is for only 30 minutes.


5. No meat in the summer

Many Mormons don’t know this rule but they are not allowed to eat meat. It is written that they are only allowed to eat meat during the Winter, when it is cold? Almost all high level members of this religion don’t follow this rule.
