
15 things we do in the UK that could land you in prison elsewhere

If you are used to being able to flush the toilet at any hour you feel like it during the night, you may not realise how lucky you are! Because this nocturnal practice is condemned not all that far away, in Swiss buildings! In Saudi Arabia, children and adolescents are banned from playing Pokemon, which is seen as a Jewish conspiracy. We’ve heard it all now! Here are 15 seemingly harmless things we all do here, which are against the law in other countries.

1/ Flushing the toilet after 10pm in Switzerland

In Switzerland, it is strictly forbidden to go to the toilet after 10pm…. Or at least, to flush after you… Are the walls so thin in the land of Toblerone?

Credits: iStock

2/ Playing Pokemon in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian children are not allowed to play with the world famous playing cards. Which doesn’t seem so bad. But why this ban? Apparently the little stars that feature on them look too like the symbol for Judaism…

Credits: Pxhere

3/ Looking at a man playing sport when you are a woman in Iran

It’s quite simple: Iranian women are not allowed to attend sports matches in which men play against each other. Clearly, they can’t go to matches played between women either, given that such matches don’t exist.

Credits: Pxhere

4/ Peeing in the sea in Portugal

Although it might be hard for the authorities to catch you, urinating in the ocean in Portugal is against the law! Is it because of underwater pollution?

Credits: Pexels

5/ Driving a dirty car in Russia

Unimaginable here, but however very much enforced in Russia: driving a dirty car can land you in prison.

Credits: Pixabay