
13 strange food facts that will leave you gobsmacked

8/ Healthy foods cost almost 10 times more than fast food or unhealthy food in general

Obesity isn’t simply a question of choice, you need to have money in order to stay in good health. A shame.

Credits: via Piktochart

9/ The sandwich came from the Count of Sandwich, who was so addicted to card games he wouldn’t get up to eat

It was the Count of Sandwich (an English port in the Middle Ages), John Montague, who was at the origin of this culinary invention: he didn’t want to put his playing cards down to go and have lunch, preferring to bring a sandwich to the cards table with him.

Credits: via Piktochart

10/ Pepper was considered a luxury in the Middle Ages

Although black pepper is nothing special nowadays, it was considered a luxury commodity in the era of Vasco de Gama. Remember that his mission was to go exploring in search of spices, which were very expensive at the time.

Credits: via Piktochart

11/ Salt was the first type of money in the world, and the word “salary” is derived from it

The word “salary” comes from the Latin word “salarium”, derived from the word “sal”, for salt. It initially referred to the ration of salt provided to Roman soldiers, and afterwards to the cash allowance provided to buy salt and other foods.

Credits: via Piktochart

12/ Beer was long classified as a fizzy drink in Russia, and not as an alcoholic drink

Before 2011, beer and any drink that had less than 10% alcohol was classified as a fizzy drink in Russia. Was it served at children’s birthday parties?

Credits: via Piktochart

13/ You can hear rhubarb growing

As incredible as it may seem, you can actually hear stems of rhubarb growing. When it is ‘forced’ to grow (out of season), you can hear it popping as it gets bigger.

Credits: Pixabay