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13 facts that sound false but are actually true!

8/ It is possible to bring your food into any cafe

Even if cafe owners generally don’t like it, there is no law stating that you can’t bring your own cookies in with you. The manager has the right to insist that you consume one of their products, but they cannot prevent you from bringing in your lunchbox. Good to know.

Credits : Pexels

9/ Mosquitoes don’t feed on blood

If female mosquitoes bite you (and yes, the males stay at home!), it is absolutely not to feed on your blood, but to ensure that their babies grow properly: in fact, the proteins in your haemoglobin promote the development of their eggs.

Credits : Pexels

10/ A camel’s hump does not contain any water

This desert icon’s hump doesn’t contain one drop of water, but is in fact a fatty mass. If a camel can go a long time without drinking in the heat, it is simply because their anatomy is adapted to the arid conditions in their countries.

Credits : Pixabay

11/ Whether you go to sleep at 9pm or 2am, it doesn’t matter as long as you get enough sleep

We have often heard it said that the quality of sleep you get before midnight is the best. However, this is not true: you simply need to get enough sleep, that’s all.

Credits : Pexels

12/ Cats don’t always fall on their feet

Don’t try and put this claim to the test, or your poor cat will come out the worse for wear! Even if it’s not completely false, you cat needs enough time to position their bodies in the right way, and they need to fall from a distance of around a meter and a half.

Credits : Pexels

13/ We have known that the earth is round since Antiquity

It’s nothing too new, those who knew how to read and write, at least, were well aware of it.

Credits : Pixabay
