
12 Worst special effects and mistakes in movies

Movies are made for us to dream, yet sometimes little mistakes can spoil it…

When mistakes are made in movies, once we see it, we can’t miss it. Sometimes it can be so bad that it ruins the scene or worse the whole film. We have compiled some movie fails which you may have not noticed when you were first watching the film.

1/ Plastic baby in American Sniper

Even today, we use plastic babies for scenes. Unfortunately the actors in the scene of this Clint Eastwood movie, didn’t do a great a job at hiding the fact that the baby wasn’t real.

2/ The cars in Braveheart

You have to pause the movie to properly see that there are cars parked at the back of the fields where they filmed the battle scene. Yet it is a bit budget blockbuster movie, not an amateur made film!

3/ The mistakes in Lord of the Rings

Not easy when filming three films in one go, yet a few mistakes are made!

4/ Numerous mistakes in Troy

For such a high budget film, we would not expect so many mistakes. Buildings that change, costumes with rubber soles, arrows that disappear from shields…