
11 Pictures that show how cats see the world

Have you sometimes wondered how your cat sees the world?

Nickolay Lamm Claims to be an artist-researcher. After consulting with several American cats vision specialists, the young man retouched photos of landscapes on Photoshop as realistically as possible to illustrate the difference between the vision of a feline and that of a human. We would not have thought the view of our cat so fuzzy! Here is the world seen through cats eyes.


1/ Visual field

Even if their field of vision is slightly wider than ours (260 ° against 220 ° for humans), your cat will only see you clearly if you are a few meters away from him.


2/ Visual acuity

Visual acuity is the sharpness of the image. On average, that of a human is 20/20, while that of a cat varies from 20/100 to 20/200.


3/ Color perception

In short, cats have the same color perception as a human who is colorblind.



4/ Distance

Cats are short-sighted: they can not distinguish objects as far away as we can. Their ability to see things very close allows them to hunt and catch their prey more easily.


5/ Night vision

Cats do not perceive details or bright colors but have an increased capacity to see in the dark because of the large number of cells they contain in their retina, which are extremely reactive to low intensity lights.


6/ At night, all cats are gray

No, cats do not see life in gray! They use, to see in the night, about one sixth of the light needed by a human to find themselves in the same circumstances.
